I’ve set out to do a lot of stuff in my life. And for the most part, I’ve been able to achieve all of my goals: finishing my Bachelor’s degree, getting a good GPA, becoming a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., releasing my project, and getting a job… I’d say that my track record is pretty good.

Although I’ve had some mild success in my life, I’m currently going through a bit of a push into a part of life that will require more. In this season, there is one thing that has been exposed to me. It’s that I NEED discipline. I’ve had it in small doses, but the issue has been that God’s grace and my talents have been able to allow me to “slide by”. Don’t get me wrong, accomplishing the goals I listed earlier required a lot of hard work! I had to be focused. I had to be driven… and I had to have discipline, at times. The difference between now and then is that now I have to REALLY have discipline.

The stuff I mentioned before required focus. Focus is when I would really want something and I’d just do it. The issue is that with only focus, comes certain limitations. For me, I could be really focused on something for months at a time. I’d do what was necessary. And during the times where I maybe wasn’t as disciplined, God’s grace and, at times, my talent for certain things would make up the slack. So although it required hard work and I accomplished the goals, I still lacked discipline on a consistent basis. So now, my talent has taken me to a certain level and the only way I’m going to progress to the next level is through discipline! There are certain things that I just can’t achieve without it. God’s shown me, now I know… it’s time for me to act.

I wouldn’t consider myself a big guy, but I wouldn’t say that I’m in shape. I’ve always had trouble with getting in shape. It’s mainly because of my issue with sustained discipline. I can focus on something and see a goal…. But after a while, the fact that I actually lack discipline begins to show. In the beginning, my diet is tight. I’m at the gym all the time. I actually see some results. Then, it never fails, after about 3 ½ months, I get tired. I get tired of not eating what I want. I get tired of sacrificing huge chunks of my already scarce free time to going to the gym. I get tired of being sore from the workouts.  After indulging in these emotions, I fall completely off the “horse.” Before you know it, I’m back to my original ways. Getting my body in shape requires more than focus, it requires discipline.

In this season, the Holy Spirit has challenged me to obtain a deeper relationship with Him. This requires more than just worshiping when I can fit in my schedule. It requires more than just the typical “Wish List” style prayers, it requires true discipline. You see, with focus, I can remember to pray. But with discipline, I develop true prayer strategy. With strategy, I can really tune into the move of the Holy Spirit and I can have a much greater impact for the Kingdom of God, because God is directly moving my prayer life instead of having my prayers being anchored in my own flesh. With focus, I can fit worship into my life. Maybe when I’m driving to work, I can play a good song. Or when I’m at church, I can participate in the worship service… but when I’m disciplined in my worship life it teaches me true sacrifice. As my time in worship is not about me, but tuning into the move of God and what the agenda of Heaven actually is for my life that day.

Discipline is deeper than most probably realize. You have to completely submit yourself to an idea. Losing weight, deeper prayer and worship, better relationships, forgiveness, etc.; they require a deeper level than just focus alone. They require commitment even when you don’t feel like it, even when you don’t understand it. Even when you’re not seeing results for a period of time… Discipline is sacrificing how you feel or what makes you feel good for the moment for the bigger picture.  Discipline requires humility, especially when you’re trying to build discipline in your life.

I can tell you from experience, it’s difficult to establish! But the results from me being disciplined in every area of my life have been amazing! My body is responding to discipline in eating and working out consistently. My spiritual life is responding from my deeper time with God through prayer and worship. My friendships have also noticed me being disciplined in making my relationships better… even when I don’t “feel” like it or I want to be selfish.

I’ve been sensing in my prayer life, that God is requiring more discipline from the body of Christ. It’s gonna take more than focus, habit and entitlement for us to be able to properly contend with what's coming, spiritually. It’s impossible for us to get to our next level without discipline. It’s impossible for us to get to where we need to go without it! God is calling us as a whole to get deeper, to sacrifice our fleshly desires daily, and to be disciplined in following Him.  

Discipline is the missing link! We need it to grow. We need it to develop. We need it to reach the goals that Christ is preparing for us. We need it to actually see the miracles, signs, and wonders that are spoken of in the Word of God. We have to find where we are not disciplined and we have to apply it!

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