Trusting is hard in most cases. There are relationships where one party naturally trusts the other party to act in their best interests, much like a parent-child type of relationship. But for most others, we have to learn to trust people. It’s a scary process… I used to think that being scared made me weak and that’s how I operated: As a powerless person. I let fear cripple me because I thought the presence of fear meant the absence of faith… which isn't always true.
Being afraid doesn’t make me weak, it makes me aware. I’m aware that certain things are big deals. Certain actions have huge consequences… and when I’m not in a position to be in control or monitoring how things will play out, it frightens me.
The key to it all is trust. I’m learning to trust and to have faith and as long as my faith level rises above my fear level, I’m good!
I’ll admit that I’m in a place right now where God is building up my trust in Him. I have not been the best at that. It may seem a little simple, but trust can’t happen between strangers. Most of us wouldn’t trust things that we care about (Children, home, money, car, phone, iPad, laptop, etc.) into the care of a complete stranger. It just does not add up. There are some people who I have been introduced to and that I am cordial with. I speak to these people when I see them and we even hold brief conversations… but it doesn't go any deeper than that. I call these people “associates”. The relationship is shallow. There’s no depth because there’s no connection… just friendliness.
I would not expect people like this (complete stranger or “associate”) to handle the deepest, darkest secrets of my life nor would I entrust my most loved cares and possessions into the watch of these people. That’s not their role in my life. Now, I do have close friends and family that I tell things to. These are those that I know that I can trust.
Here’s my recent “Ah Ha” moment… it’s kind of redundant, but God had to show me that these close friendships and relationships didn't start off that way. Over time and after experiences, intimacy and closeness were developed. I only have a few people who I feel like I can share anything with… and these people and I have gone through a lot and loyalty has been tested in many different ways, but the result is a genuine friendship.
God desires this with us: A genuine friendship. He has secrets and riches (Spiritually and physically) that have yet to be touched and remain uncovered because by and large, the body of Christ has a shallow relationship with Him. We have been introduced to him and we have a saving knowledge of Him, but there’s no depth to the relationship. He’s showing me now that there is a new, higher level to my purpose that I am approaching, but I have to trust God to fully enter into it. There are things that are required of me that I have no idea how to unlock and the only way they can be revealed to me is to spend time with God.
Through this time, I believe that God is about to reveal his secrets to me, show me the next place I am to operate in, and allow me to mature spiritually. So I’m seeking it… I have dedicated at least an hour of my life every single day to seeking God. During this time, I pray, worship and I read my Bible. I’m not saying this to get a “pat on the back” but to share that I have expectation. Through this expectation, I am developing trust… and with this trust, I’m gonna get to my purpose! My faith is on level 10! (In my system, that’s the highest level you can go, btw. HAHA!) I believe God!
So… I want to challenge anyone who may read this to seek God with me! This is a time where God is returning things that were stolen from us. This is a time where God is taking us to a new level in establishing His kingdom on Earth, but we need to be in position to receive it all!