2 Timothy Chapter 3: 12 Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.
One thing has become increasingly clear to me as I continue my Christian walk: Discipline is absolutely necessary. Albert Einstein gets quoted a lot for saying that Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. It’s crazy to think that trying something the same way is going to get you a different outcome… if you want results, you have to study, plan and execute! When studying a situation, you’re looking for everything that you can get: the good, the bad, and the ugly! Figure out what’s working and not working, make a plan which includes setting goals, and then execute.
Now, I realize that I’m no professor on this topic, BUT after application in my own life, I can say that this works! In order for this to happen, you have to have discipline! It’s a must. Your mind has to be made up that it won’t fall back into old habits. It’s the only way that you’re going to get some positive results. When I made up my mind to CHANGE my mind, things got better. I accomplished all kinds of goals: I lost weight, I actually finished books (At one point, I’d start… but I never would be able to reach the end. SMH), I finished writing and recording material for Supernaturally Loved. I got things done! It’s a great feeling…
The issue is when we fall for the tricks of Satan. He’s a GREAT liar! Any good liar is going to take something that is totally not true and will make you believe that it is! They set it up like it’s real. They get in your head to make you think that it’s real. They get in your emotions to make you even FEEL like its real... It’s tough to know what’s real and what’s not! You’re probably thinking “How am I supposed to sift through all of that and stay positive? How do I stay disciplined if I can’t tell what’s what?!”
The answer: It doesn’t line up with what God said. Most of the things that Satan tricks us with will appeal to our flesh. They make us feel good. They bring minimum glory to God. They are quick fixes, when God has called us to go the extra mile and just reach higher. I’m not saying that all things that happen fast or that make us feel good are bad all of the times. Yet, I am saying that you have to be careful because the devil knows your desires just like God knows your desires. Satan’s lies will appeal to how you feel now, When God sees your finished self. Satan goes for how you look now, When God sees and appeals to the better you. God shows us the big picture! That rarely happens when we entertain a trick of Satan.
The point I’m trying to make is that Satan can use our surroundings to deceive us. Often times, we compare ourselves to the people around us… People always say stuff like “Comparison is the thief of joy” and I find that to be true. You can’t spend your time chasing what others have… jealousy is a real thing and it opens doors to very ugly and mean actions, emotions and mindsets... if jealousy isn’t dealt with it can totally poison your spirit. You have to find you! You can only find yourself by finding the Savior! I kid you not, my life didn’t begin to make sense until I accepted and went in pursuit of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Even after that moment, when I made dumb decisions and did my own thing, when I re-centered my life around Christ, things began to change for the better.
I’m not saying that if you find God, it’s gonna be like waving a magic wand and all of your issues go away. But I am saying that in finding God and immersing yourself in the pursuit of pleasing God, You find your purpose. You’ll start to think differently. You won’t waste time on things that aren’t adding SOMETHING to your life… things will change. You’ll want discipline because you’ll want to make positive changes that pleases God.
Satan is a great liar and if we let him, he can throw us all the way off track! I urge anyone who may read this post to PLEASE, Get a relationship with Jesus Christ TODAY! Spend time in prayer, spend time with God… when you are in full focus on Him, you won’t even be able to see the distractions and the lies of Satan.
God wants you to succeed… only succeed. He has this whole plan just for you! When you get a relationship with Him, that means uncovering that purpose and pursuing that purpose… and most of all experiencing that purpose WITH GOD ( No greater feeling)!
If you need some help on how to establish a relationship with Christ, just email me! I’ll be glad to “walk” with you!